App Marketing | KARTE for App

Take Your Mobile App
Engagement to the Next Level

"KARTE for App" is a product that provides
one-stop services from analysis to delivering campaigns
to further increase engagement of mobile apps.

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Approach to Increasing
Mobile App Engagement

  • Clear cut user analysis
    that can drill down to n1

    Anyone can easily use the best analytics templates for apps, such as retention reports to visualize user retention and funnel analysis to visualize user churn.

    In addition, you can connect to each user's action logs based on various types of analysis, enabling the discovery of improved hypotheses through n1 analysis.

  • Deeper personalized
    scenario experience

    A continuous line of user experience for multiple campaigns can be set up with an intuitive UI with panoramic view of the entire user.

    Narrowing down targets and conditional branching for deeper personalization. The goal rate and the effects of each campaign can be visualized numerically, and scenarios can be continuously improved.

    Related FeaturesCustomer Journey Design

  • Rich communication
    that can be created intuitively

    You can create in-app messages designed to blend in with the app's UI, just by operating the screen as if you were using PowerPoint.

    In addition, we have over 100 different campaign templates, eliminating the need to create a campaign from scratch.

    Related FeaturesCreative Creation

  • Push notifications that can be targeted
    with no code

    Push notifications of several million users per distribution can be handled, and target lists can be created flexibly without SQL, based on data measured by the KARTE App.

    Related FeaturesMultichannel Delivery

  • Automated
    external data linkage and utilization

    Customer data in your own system or data in other tools such as AppsFlyer/Adjust can be imported and used for customer segmentation, and KARTE campaign delivery data can be exported for visualization and analysis in your own analysis environment. By using JobFlow, you can automate the import/export process and build a smooth collaborative flow.

    Related FeaturesData Linkage / Batch Analysis

Main Features

  • Real-time Analysis
    Immediately reflect the user's current behavior and status
    into camapigns
  • User Analysis
    Visualize each user
    for deeper insights
  • Retention Report
    Visualization of retention rates
    by segment or from any action
  • Pop-up
    Over 100 templates available.
    can also be customized
  • Survey
    Collects user opinions and evaluations.
    Survey results can also be analyzed.
  • Push Notifications
    Flexibly group customers
    and deliver with no-code
  • Element Rewriting
    Rewritable in-app content for each user
  • Scenario
    Branching scenarios based on customer behavior.
    Allows you to measure the effects from a high-angle viewpoint.
  • A/B Testing
    Capable of comparing PV, dwell time,
    and CVR for each campaign

* The functions listed are only a part of the list. Please contact us for further information.

How to Implement

The implementation can be completed in a minimum of one month, and you're all set to delivering the campaigns.

Event Design
SDK Implementation
App Updates
Start Measuring and Delivering


Customer Success Support
In addition to dedicated customer success to accompany you from onboarding to results, we also offer customer support where you can ask questions via chat.
Documents & Courses
We have a full range of documentation and online courses. In addition to the details of the functions, we also have a wide range of contents that can be used as hints for you to utilize.
Operation Agency (paid)
We will support you from planning the strategies on how to enrich your app to delivering and reviewing the campaigns.